Tips On Medicinal cannabis

What is medicinal cannabis?

In general, medicinal cannabis is prescribed to treat medical conditions like epilepsy by reducing their symptoms.It’s critical to understand the distinction between cannabis used for medicinal and non-medical purposes. The type of cannabis used to get “high” is non-medical cannabis.

Firstly, some people with terminal illnesses or chronic conditions find that conventional medicines are either ineffective or ineffective when compared to medicinal cannabis. Additionally, while some patients may benefit from conventional medications, others may experience crippling side effects that cannabis can help to relieve. Then, the plant cannabis has a rich history, many uses, and occasionally controversy. Cannabis is now used in a wide range of products and industries, particularly in the medical sector, thanks to its versatility and usefulness.

What to know about cannabis 

In addition, Though there is a great deal of science involved, we’ll try to make it as simple as possible: Cannabinoids are the more than 120 different ingredients that make up cannabis. Also, Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are the two most studied and well-known cannabinoids.While CBD is a non-euphoric, non-intoxicating ingredient that is sometimes found in oils, gummies, drinks, and other medical products, THC is the compound that gives cannabis users their typical “high.”

How can CBD be used to benefit health? 

Undoubtedly, CBD has gained a lot of popularity and sparked the development of a new industry; at JWU, you can even get a degree in hemp entrepreneurship.There have already been many encouraging findings, even though researchers are still trying to determine how well CBD can be utilized for medicinal purposes. These are seven areas where the health benefits of CBD have been demonstrated.

A photo of CBD gummies, pills, oils and balms


1. Lowering blood pressure

In a 2017 JCI Insight study, participants’ blood pressure was found to be lowered by CBD. It lowered their blood pressure both at rest and following stress tests such as the cold pressor test, isometric exercise, and mental arithmetic.

2. Reducing inflammation

A study conducted by the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research has demonstrated that CBD can help reduce inflammation and the neuropathic pain that stems from it.

3. Preventing relapse in drug and alcohol addiction

According to a 2018 study, CBD may be helpful for those who struggle with alcohol and drug addiction. A preclinical study using lab rats found that CBD lessened the anxiety, stress-induced cravings, and loss of impulse control that frequently lead to relapses.

4. Treating anxiety disorders

The most frequent condition for which people use CBD is anxiety, and a preclinical study found that it may be useful in treating various anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

A vial and dropper full of CBD oil on top of a cannabis leaf


5. Treating gastrointestinal (GI) disorders

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and other GI disorders can all be successfully prevented and treated with CBD and other non-psychoactive cannabinoids, according to a recent study. The ability of CBD to reduce and prevent inflammation is essential.

6. Preventing seizures

Then, using CBD to treat epilepsy and other seizure syndromes has been the subject of decades of research; a recent study found that CBD can effectively reduce symptoms and seizure frequency.

7. Fighting cancer

Also, Studies have shown that CBD has several anti-cancer properties that can help prevent a variety of cancers, treat tumors, and strengthen the immune system. In addition to its use in easing the side effects of chemotherapy, CBD has also been shown to be able to stop cell growth and induce cell death in cervical cancer cell lines.

Then, even more advantages exist beyond these seven that are currently being investigated and tested.Our goal is for students enrolled in our recently launched Cannabis Entrepreneurship program to be instrumental in shaping the direction this sector will take.

 A photo of cannabis leaves  

Furthermore, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency lists cannabis as a Schedule I drug. There won’t be any handling of illegal products or derivatives or direct contact with them during the Cannabis Entrepreneurship program.Just like many of the other JWU courses offered currently, the discussions and practice will be hypothetical. Also, For hypothetical modeling, plants that are similar to the psychoactive cannabis species, like tomatoes, hemp, coleus, etc., will be used.

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